Entries by admin

Message #151 Distractions

Today’s message is dedicated to the great Ann LoPrinzi. One of the toughest things to do in sports and life is to perform well with distractions; performing under pressure. Below are some examples… Pressure from:-winning-losing-your parents-your coaches-your teammates-your opponents-your boss-your spouse-your friends The list goes on, but the first thing you have to understand is […]

Message #150 You Say You Want a Resolution…

Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Cate Efros. So it’s that time of year again…New Year’s Resolutions. The time of year where people talk about what they want to change in their life and then they do it for a week and then forget about it until the following Dec 31st. Do you […]

Message #149 Confidence

Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Nicole Arendt in Sydney, Australia. What is confidence? con·fi·dence, ˈkän-fə-dən(t)s, -ˌden(t)snoun, 14th century1 a: A feeling or consciousness of one’s powers or of reliance on one’s circumstances (had perfect confidence in her ability to succeed) (met the risk with brash confidence) b: faith or belief that one […]

Message #148 The BEST Gift of All…

Today’s message is dedicated to the great Jon Tatting in Minnesota. On a day where everyone is going to return gifts in a sea of anarchy at the stores, here is a gift you WON’T want to return…My gift to you this holiday season… It doesn’t matter what you do. It doesn’t matter what your […]

Message #147 Happy Holidays

This message is dedicated to everyone out there, whether you celebrate Christmas or not. According to legend, a desert wanderer happened upon a spring of cool, crystal-clear water. The water was so delightful, he decided to bring the king a sample of it. Barely quenching his own thirst, he filled his leather canteen and began […]

Message #146 You Choose…

Photos from “Shelter from the Streets” Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Jen Koltowski in PA. Choosing is the single greatest power we possess. By our choices, we create our future. Every action we take originates from a thought and the sum of all your actions makes who you are. Those people you […]

Message #145 It’s All the Same…

Today’s message is especially dedicated to the one and only Free. Tennis players are just like singers Singers are just like businessmen Businessmen are just like chefs Chefs are just like students Students are just like parents Parents are just like the homeless The homeless are just like CEOs CEOs are just like artists Artists […]

Message #144 Ideas…

Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Kim Smith in Brooklyn. All great things originate from an idea. Just think about all the amazing things we have around us. We have electricity. We have televisions, computers, couches, sliced bread, shoes, and olive oil gelato at Otto in the City. Yesterday afternoon around 1:30pm, I […]

Message #143 “Shelter From the Streets”…Full Report

Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Glenn Toby. As you know, yesterday I participated in The Book Bank Foundation’s “Shelter From the Streets” in New York City. Here is my full report. I began yesterday’s event at 7:30am and didn’t get back to the apartment until 1:00am. It was one of the most […]