Entries by admin

Message #142 Giving

Today’s message is especially dedicated to everyone who gave me donations in the Princeton area for today’s Book Bank Foundation event, “Shelter from the Streets.” It is 7am and right now I am on the 26th floor overlooking 42nd Street near Times Square. The lights, the skyline, what a view! But in less than half […]

Message #141 To All the Singers Out There…

A special Happy 26th Birthday to the amazing Jennifer Downes! Becoming a great singer is no different than becoming a great tennis player. Seek out a great singer and copy what they’re doing. Take some lessons from a good voice instructor. Interview people that have already accomplished what you want to do and ask them […]

Message #139 Tennis is a Microcosm of Life

Today’s message is dedicated to the great Roger Federer. Much of what I talk about on my blog comes from my experience teaching and playing tennis. Tennis is a metaphor and these principles apply to all areas of life.Some of the principles you will and have seen are: ENERGYFOCUSPERFORMING UNDER PRESSUREGOAL SETTINGINSPIRATION AND MEANINGPOSITIVE MINDSETMINDFULNESS […]

Message #138 What Does Meaning, Mean?

Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Patrick Amice. What is Meaning? What is Inspiration? Like many things, if you ask 10 people the same question, you may get 10 different answers. So I can’t really tell you that there is ONE definition of meaning and inspiration, but I CAN tell you this… YOU […]

Message # 136 You Can ALWAYS Do Better

Today’s message is dedicated to the great Brad Abouchedid. Once there was this pole-vaulter who always cleared the bar by about a foot. His teammates and coaches noticed this. He seemed to be able to perform better. The problem was, that if they raised the bar even just an inch, he would hit it every […]

Message # 135 This Message is Late…Sorry

Today’s message is dedicated to the great Ted Borsuk. As you know, my normal routine is to meditate as the sun is rising and then write in my blog within an hour of sunrise. Today, my blog should have been written by 8:15 AM EST. It is now 10:38 AM EST. I am sorry. I […]

Message # 134 Live from New York, it’s Ed’s Blog!

This message is dedicated to the amazing Cindi Holliday. My morning meditation today was especially enjoyable today because I performed it 26 floors above 42nd Street in New York City. It’s amazing to take it all in, even before the sun comes up. You can see the tiny cars moving around below; you can hear […]