Entries by admin

Let’s Play Pretend…

Just for today, I challenge you to ACT and BE the person that you want to be. If you want to be more confident, WALK and ACT more confidently today. I mean, STRUT around wherever you go. If you want to become a great athlete, PRETEND that you already ARE a great athlete. WALK like […]

This One’s for My Robbinsville Lady Tennis Ravens…

According to the Harvard professor, Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar, there are four types of people in the world…a “rat racer,” a “hedonist,” a “nihilist,” and people that are just “happy.” An example of a rat racer is someone who is focused on some future benefit and unable to be happy in the present. Many people say […]

Love Means Nothing to a Tennis Player…

If you are a tennis player, you know that the word “love” is a scoring term that means “zero.” But this couldn’t be further from the truth. Love is NOT “zero,” love is EVERYTHING. Love is why we play our sport; it’s why we do WHAT we do. HOW productive we are, and how WELL […]


How confident are you? Have you ever known a really great athlete? How does he or she WALK? How do they TALK? Don’t they WALK confidently? Don’t they ACT confidently? The reason why, is because you NEED to BE confident to achieve that level of success. The good news is that any of you can […]

First Complaint…

I received my first complaint today regarding my blog…Michelle from Los Angeles was upset that I did not write an entry because it was Saturday! So Michelle in LA, this one’s for you… I was teaching a boy, I’ll call Mikey. Mikey was less than enthusiastic about taking tennis lessons and he was also uncoordinated…not […]

TGIF…woo hoo!

Thank God It’s Friday?!@# What kind of talk is that? Many people talk about having a case of the “Mondays” or Hump Wednesday and of course TGIF. To me, that’s all negative thoughts. That’s how losers feel. Why waste your whole week waiting for the weekend? Life is too short, make the most of it. […]

It’s All in How You React…

I always tell people that life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react. You can have the same situation and two different people will look at it in two different ways. Example, Johnny and Derek just lost a match to someone they could have beaten. Johnny said: “I lost. I played […]

Fail Successfully…

All successful people know that failing is part of life. Someone once said, “The granite block in the path of normal people, is a stepping stone for the great.” I don’t believe in failure, just results. You can learn more from a loss, than from a win. As a tennis player, I don’t mind losing, […]

Need a Map?

Do you know where you are going in life? In your sport? The great philosopher, Yogi Berra once said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you could wind up someplace else.” Only 3% of all people set goals and less than 1% have a true purpose in life. If you don’t have a plan, […]