In this video blog, Ed interviews comedian, Patrick DeGuire on being a legally blind comic. Be sure to checkout Patrick on youtube:
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud admin contributed a whooping 1680 entries.
In this video blog, Ed interviews comedian, Patrick DeGuire on being a legally blind comic. Be sure to checkout Patrick on youtube:
Last night I spent some time with my new favorite comedian, Patrick DeGuire. Mr. DeGuire flew into town to perform three shows in Princeton at Catch A Rising Star comedy club. We shot a video blog together (stay tuned) and shared stories, quotes and life lessons. Patrick DeGuire is unique because about thirteen years ago, […]
In this video blog, Ed tries his hand (foot) at soccer with Coach Toby in Day 8 of his 21-Day Fitness Challenge Part II.
In this video blog, Ed Tseng continues his 21-Day Fitness Challenge by going back to his roots and working out baseball style with Coach Heryk DeJesus.
Recently, at the “Hit for Haiti” charity exhibition in California, the Andre Agassi – Pete Sampras rivalry continued…verbally. There was teasing, mimicking and violent intent. In the video below, Sampras makes fun of Agassi’s walk and then Agassi proceeds to make fun of Sampras’ reputation of being a stingy tipper. After that, Pistol Pete hit […]
Do people sing to get to the end of the song? Do people play sports to get to the end of the game? Do people read to get to the end of the book? No. No. No. Life is not about doing as many things as you can. It’s not about getting to the end. […]
A man is born gentle and weak. At his death he is hard and stiff. Green plants are tender and filled with sap. At their death they are withered and dry. Therefore the stiff and unbending is the disciple of death. The gentle and yielding is the disciple of life. Thus an army without flexibility […]
Well, today is Pi Day (3.14) and Albert Einstein’s birthday. I spent 9am-5pm on the tennis court and worked out with some of my high school players, so Day 4 of my 21-Day Challenge is complete. And today’s blog message is a collection of my favorite Einstein quotes…enjoy. Insanity is doing the same thing over […]
We all know that sports are about 80 percent mental, so doesn’t that mean we should practice our mental game 80 percent of the time? I met with meditation teacher, Jonathan Star yesterday and he explained his theory of “The Art of Being On” to me. It was very intriguing. An average tennis match lasts […]
In Day 2 of Ed’s 21-Day Challenge, he works out on the basketball court with Coach Mike Cavallo. Here’s the video blog. Enjoy!