Today’s message is by a very special ghost blogger…

Watch this video. Pay attention to what the character of master perfumer Giuseppe Baldini (played by Dustin Hoffman) exclaims in the 3rd minute.
The movie tells the story of a character who is a savant, born with a hyper-attuned sense of smell.

“Talent means next to nothing! While experience acquired in humility and hard work means everything.”

We would like to think that there exist a finite number of people who have the luck of being born with an innate gift, talent, genius, etc.
People seem to prefer to believe this myth even though it robs us of the hope that we can cultivate our talents (and robs us of the ability to give hope to others that they may cultivate their talents as well).
Why do we choose to believe this? Probably because it is safe, it is easy, and it absolves us of guilt when we know we are not working to our potential.

It’s interesting and easy to focus on talent. And, sometimes some people do have some type of advantage. However, true change and growth results when we focus on humility and hard work through commitments to continuously improve.

This is the lesson that teachers, coaches, and experts in any field need to convey.

Thanks for reading.


Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Myles Smythers in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Many of you enjoyed yesterday’s blog message on willpower and the highlights from Dr. Sam Wang’s talk on the brain for the Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce. During his talk, I became more intrigued by the brain and how it relates to performance. I had a nice conversation with Dr. Wang afterwards and he recommended I get a book called, “The Body Has A Mind Of Its Own” by Sandra Blakeslee and Matthew Blakeslee. I bought the book last night and immediately dove into it.

The title of today’s message is IMAGINE, but it’s not about the John Lennon song.

I think the biggest difference between normal athletes and elite athletes is that the elite athletes use imagery or visualization in their training. In my own experience, I visualize many times a day, especially if I am about to do something important. It helps me be less nervous and perform at a higher level. For example, before I give a talk, I visualize myself being a bit nervous, but then, acting confident and performing at a high level. I try to involve as many senses as I can – I try to see the room, smell what the room may smell like, hear sounds that may be present, feel the temperature, etc. Then, when it actually happens, it feels familiar.

In “The Body Has A Mind Of Its Own,” the authors talk about this type of imagery and visualization…

“Imagining Versus Doing”

“Anybody who likes watching sports can see that certain athletes appear to mentally rehearse what they are about to do…before they get going, they prime themselves.” (Pascual-Leone)

Many famous musicians do the same thing.

A violinist who spent seven years in prison and practiced playing in his mind every day gave a flawless performance the night he got out of jail.

When you mentally rehearse a movement, all but one of the brain regions that control your movements become active in the absence of movement. You imagine throwing the dart but your body is immobile. You imagine pressing the piano key but your muscles are still. So motor imagery is the off-line operation of your brain’s motor machinery unfolding as if it were happening in real time. It takes you about as long to imagine walking across your bedroom as it would if you actually did the walk. Such a walk takes longer if you imagine yourself carrying a heavy box. If you imagine yourself running, your breathing speeds up and your heart rate increases. If you imagine moving your little finger for ten minutes a day, after four weeks it will be up to one-fifth stronger.

Another interesting finding was that “…the level of performance after five days of motor imagery was equivalent to three days of physical practice. But when he added one day of physical practice to five days of motor imagery, his subjects were as good as those who practiced only physically for five full days. This means motor imagery can give you a distinct advantage in your training. You can get better with less rather than more physical practice. And it’s gentler on the knees.”

So that’s what we’re talking about.

IMAGINE your potential.

Thanks for reading.


Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Nicole D’ Onofrio.

Yesterday I attended a lecture by Sam Wang, Ph.D., Professor of Molecular Biology and Neuroscience at Princeton University and co-author of the book, “Welcome to Your Brain.” Dr. Wang gave an informative and entertaining presentation about the brain with facts, myths and tips.

Many people feel that listening to Mozart as a baby (Baby Einstein) will help develop your brain. This is false and interesting enough the Baby Einstein products were tested on college students. And those babies that watch DVDs one hour a day actually learn language slower. Talking to your child, is better, even if they can’t speak yet.

We only use about 10 percent of our brain right? Wrong. We use all of our brain. If you have a stroke somewhere in your brain, you will know.

I also learned that the mental abilities are the same in men and both sexes are equally moody – we are just better at reading women’s moods.

I spoke with Dr. Wang after his presentation and asked him how he thought his research tied in with peak performance for athletes. One of the things he mentioned was called willpower building. He said that willpower is trainable, just like your muscles. Below is an interesting article that he co-wrote.

Tighten Your Belt, Strengthen Your Mind
New York Times, April 2, 2008

DECLINING house prices, rising job layoffs, skyrocketing oil costs and a major credit crunch have brought consumer confidence to its lowest point in five years. With a relatively long recession looking increasingly likely, many American families may be planning to tighten their belts.

Interestingly, restraining our consumer spending, in the short term, may cause us to actually loosen the belts around our waists. What’s the connection? The brain has a limited capacity for self-regulation, so exerting willpower in one area often leads to backsliding in others. The good news, however, is that practice increases willpower capacity, so that in the long run, buying less now may improve our ability to achieve future goals — like losing those 10 pounds we gained when we weren’t out shopping.

The brain’s store of willpower is depleted when people control their thoughts, feelings or impulses, or when they modify their behavior in pursuit of goals. Psychologist Roy Baumeister and others have found that people who successfully accomplish one task requiring self-control are less persistent on a second, seemingly unrelated task.

In one pioneering study, some people were asked to eat radishes while others received freshly baked chocolate chip cookies before trying to solve an impossible puzzle. The radish-eaters abandoned the puzzle in eight minutes on average, working less than half as long as people who got cookies or those who were excused from eating radishes. Similarly, people who were asked to circle every “e” on a page of text then showed less persistence in watching a video of an unchanging table and wall.

Other activities that deplete willpower include resisting food or drink, suppressing emotional responses, restraining aggressive or sexual impulses, taking exams and trying to impress someone. Task persistence is also reduced when people are stressed or tired from exertion or lack of sleep.

What limits willpower? Some have suggested that it is blood sugar, which brain cells use as their main energy source and cannot do without for even a few minutes. Most cognitive functions are unaffected by minor blood sugar fluctuations over the course of a day, but planning and self-control are sensitive to such small changes. Exerting self-control lowers blood sugar, which reduces the capacity for further self-control. People who drink a glass of lemonade between completing one task requiring self-control and beginning a second one perform equally well on both tasks, while people who drink sugarless diet lemonade make more errors on the second task than on the first. Foods that persistently elevate blood sugar, like those containing protein or complex carbohydrates, might enhance willpower for longer periods.

In the short term, you should spend your limited willpower budget wisely. For example, if you do not want to drink too much at a party, then on the way to the festivities, you should not deplete your willpower by window shopping for items you cannot afford. Taking an alternative route to avoid passing the store would be a better strategy.

On the other hand, if you need to study for a big exam, it might be smart to let the housecleaning slide to conserve your willpower for the more important job. Similarly, it can be counterproductive to work toward multiple goals at the same time if your willpower cannot cover all the efforts that are required. Concentrating your effort on one or at most a few goals at a time increases the odds of success.

Focusing on success is important because willpower can grow in the long term. Like a muscle, willpower seems to become stronger with use. The idea of exercising willpower is seen in military boot camp, where recruits are trained to overcome one challenge after another.
In psychological studies, even something as simple as using your nondominant hand to brush your teeth for two weeks can increase willpower capacity. People who stick to an exercise program for two months report reducing their impulsive spending, junk food intake, alcohol use and smoking. They also study more, watch less television and do more housework. Other forms of willpower training, like money-management classes, work as well.

No one knows why willpower can grow with practice but it must reflect some biological change in the brain. Perhaps neurons in the frontal cortex, which is responsible for planning behavior, or in the anterior cingulate cortex, which is associated with cognitive control, use blood sugar more efficiently after repeated challenges. Or maybe one of the chemical messengers that neurons use to communicate with one another is produced in larger quantities after it has been used up repeatedly, thereby improving the brain’s willpower capacity.

Whatever the explanation, consistently doing any activity that requires self-control seems to increase willpower — and the ability to resist impulses and delay gratification is highly associated with success in life.


Don’t just live the length of your life…live the width of it as well.


“The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses…behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.”


Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed at work, at home or at school? Do you sometimes feel distracted and pulled in many different directions? There will always be distractions, but there’s something you can do to limit the number of them.

Have a purpose. Create the life you want. Make the actions you take today help create your future. The future that you want. Many people wake up in the morning and say, “Let’s see what today brings.” This mindset relies on a lot of luck and these people are just spinning their wheels. Instead, say, “What do I want to accomplish today that will help me get closer to my goals?” If you have a true purpose in life, everything you do should go towards that purpose. If you have options or decisions to make, think about if taking on those tasks are in line with your goals. You may have many external distractions, like what people are saying, what people are asking of you, the economy or society.

A good friend once told me that you should be like a hurricane…there can be all these distractions going on around you, but on the inside you need to be like the “eye” of the hurricane-calm and focused.

Figure out your purpose.
Keep your actions in line with your purpose.
Create the life that you want.
Help others.
Leave a legacy.

“Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose-a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.”

Thanks for reading.


Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Drew Lessa at Temple University.

I know you try to take care of yourself. You go to the gym. You watch what you eat. Sure, you might want to take a few pounds off, but physically you are doing all right. But when was the last time you broke a mental sweat? You need to work on your mental game, especially if you are an athlete. Here are some brain teasers to try…

1. A boy and a girl born on the same day of the same year with the same parents are not twins. How is this possible?

2. A dog had three puppies, named Mopsy, Topsy and Spot. What was the mother’s name.

3. How many apples would you have if you took two apples from three apples?

4. Which number follows ten thousand ninety-five?
Ten thousand ninety-seven?
Ten thousand ninety-nine?


1. Two out of a set of triplets
2. What
3. Two
4. 10,096; 10,098; 10,100

How did you do? Have any others? Leave a comment.

Thanks for reading.


There once was a woman, she was the envy of all her friends-she had two boyfriends, Bob and Tom. Bob and Tom both knew about each other. This went on for a couple of years.

Well, one Friday evening, Bob picked her up as he normally did on Friday evenings. But Bob who is normally late, was right on time. And Bob who was normally dressed casually, wore a suit. And Bob who normally was pretty mellow, was a bit excited. So they went to dinner but instead of going to their normal restaurant/bar to eat, they went to a fancy restaurant. They had a wonderful meal and right before dessert, Bob takes out a jewelry box from his jacket pocket and proposes marriage. And the woman says the worst possible thing, aside from a flat-out no. She said, “I have to think about it.” So the Bob was upset and took the woman home.

The woman was sad…until the next night, when Tom picked her up.

So Tom who is normally right on time, was early. And Tom who is normally in a suit, wore a tuxedo. And Tom who normally was energetic, was extremely high energy. They went to dinner but instead of going to their normal fancy restaurant, this night was the country club. They had a wonderful meal and right before dessert, Tom takes out a jewelry box from his jacket pocket and proposes marriage. And the woman says the worst possible thing, aside from a flat-out no. She said, “I have to think about it.” Tom was upset and took the woman home.

The woman sat lying in bed feeling miserable, going from two boyfriends to no boyfriends. But fortunately, the only woman who could help her showed up-her fairy godmother. “You don’t look like your normal self, what’s wrong?” the fairy godmother asked.

“Bob took me out Friday night and we had a nice time, but then he proposed to me and I said I have to think about it. Then Tom took me out Saturday night and we had a great time, but then he proposed to me and I said I have to think about it. I don’t know who to choose!”

“That’s easy. All you have to do is take two pieces of paper and on the top of one write Bob and on the top of the other, write Tom. Take as long as you need and write down the one thing you love most about each of them and then your answer will instantly come to you.”

So the woman took the piece of paper with Bob on it and thought and thought and thought and three hours later she figured out what she loved most about Bob. Then, she took the sheet with Tom on it and it took her another three hours, but she figured out what she loved most about Tom…and her answer instantly came to her.

A little while later, her fairy godmother showed up and looked at her. “Oh, you look like your normal self. Have you come to a decision?”

“Oh yes, I choose Bob!” exclaimed the woman.

“Great, but just out of curiosity, what did you write on Tom’s piece of paper?”

“Well, when I’m with Tom, I feel that he’s the most wonderful person in the whole world!”

“Really?” said the fairy godmother, puzzled. “Then why did you choose Bob?!”

“Because when I’m with Bob, I feel that I’M the most wonderful person in the whole world.”

So that’s how you get anyone to fall in love with you. It’s about others. Most people focus on themselves, but when you focus on others, you are on a whole new level. Remember the “Validation” video a few messages ago? That’s what I’m talking about. And it’s not just about romantic relationships.

It’s about athletic teams.
It’s about work teams.
It’s about family teams.
It’s about everyone you come in contact with.


Thanks for reading.


Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Dan Moster, President of the USPTA Midwest Division.

I know something about you. You’re on a team.

It may be a sports team, an orchestra team, a family team, a business team, or a relationship team.

If you’ve read my book or have been following my blog, you know what TEAM stands for…

Together Everyone Achieves More…as long as there’s a Total Effort from All Members.

The focus should be on the team, not the individual. Instead of “me” it should be “we.”

I am a die-hard Yankees fan and regardless of whether you like them or not, you cannot deny that between 1996 and 2000 they had a dynasty. But they didn’t have any superstars. They played as a team. And now they have Alex Rodriguez and haven’t won a world series in eight years!

In Joe Torre’s new book, “The Yankee Years” with Tom Verducci, Derek Jeter talks about those winning years…

“I think everyone had the right mentality,” Jeter said. “The right frame of mind. Yeah, you have to be talented in order to win, but you have to have the right mindset. And that mindset is, do whatever it takes to win a game. It sounds simple, but we really didn’t have anyone that cared more about putting up statistics, you know what I mean? I mean, if somebody had to hit a groundball to second base, they hit a groundball to second base. You don’t get a stat for that. You actually get a negative stat for that. But that’s how you win games.”

Jeter said the key…”do whatever it takes.”

Don’t try your best because you can always do better than your best. Do whatever it takes to help your team win.

Be a leader and leave a legacy.

There are no menial jobs, only menial people.

Thanks for reading.


If you don’t have time to do it right, how are you going to find the time to do it over?!

Thanks for checking in…