Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Patrick Amice.

Whether you’re a student, an athlete or a salesperson, all you have to do is this…


Maybe you think it’s not COOL to try or perhaps you don’t want to get out of your comfort zone, but let me tell you this…if you don’t do your best, you’ll regret it.

It’s not about you versus someone else, it’s you versus YOU. Measure yourself with your past self, not others.

If you’re going to play the game, play all out.

After all…

If you do your best…what else is there?

Thanks for reading.


Talent is God-given: be humble.
Fame is man-given: be thankful.
Conceit is self-given: be careful.

Thanks for reading.


Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Gina Navarro. Today (today today) I consider myself (myself myself) the luckiest man (man man) on the face of the Earth (Earth Earth Earth).

If you’re not a baseball fan, that is from Lou Gehrig’s famous emotional farewell speech when he was diagnosed with ALS.

This is the last season for Yankee Stadium, 161st and River Avenue in the Bronx, New York…the most famous address in sports. The cathedral opened it’s doors April 18, 1923 and saw Babe Ruth break it in by hitting a home run. Over the past 85 years, the stadium has seen various events including concerts, the Pope, other sporting events, but mostly it has hosted the home games of the Bronx Bombers, Murderer’s Row, The Damn Yankees, etc. It has been home to names such as Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Mickey Mantle, Joe DiMaggio, Yogi Berra, Don Mattingly and Derek Jeter.

Yesterday the great Travis Spalding invited me to the Bronx for a game against the Detroit Tigers. Words cannot describe, so today’s blog is my tribute.

“Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday’s success or put its failures behind and start over again. That’s the way life is, with a new game every day, and that’s the way baseball is.” – Bob Feller
“Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball, the rules and realities of the game…” – Jacques Barzun
“Baseball is like church, many attend but few understand.” – Wes Westrum

“I see great things in baseball. It’s our game – the American game.” – Walt Whitman

So to the New York Yankees and Yankee Stadium…thanks for the memories.
Thanks for reading.


Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Travis Spalding.

“As a boy in the Middle West, I used to amuse myself by holding a stick across a gateway that the sheep had to pass through.

After the first few sheep had jumped over the stick, I took it away; but all the other sheep leaped through the gateway over an imaginary barrier. The only reason for their jumping was that those in front had jumped.

The sheep is not the only animal with that tendency. Almost all of us are prone to do what others are doing, to believe what others are believing, to accept without question, the testimony of prominent people.”
– Dale Carnegie

Follow the masses and you’ll get what the masses get; follow your own path, and you’ll get what you want. Just because everybody else is doing it, doesn’t mean it’s right.

Thanks for reading.


Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Bart Starr.

Bryan Bartlett Starr is a former professional
professional football player and coach. Wearing #15, he was the quarterback for the Green Bay Packers (1956-1971) and the MVP of the first two Super Bowls. Starr earned four Pro Bowl selections and was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1977. He was ranked number 41 on The Sporting News‘ list of the 100 Greatest Football Players in 1999. Starr also has an NFL award named after him…the Bart Starr Award is given annually, by a panel of judges, to an NFL player of outstanding character. He was Vince Lombardi’s quarterback.

I met Bart Starr last night and had the pleasure of having a great conversation with the living legend before his talk for the Mercadien Group. I could talk forever about Bart Starr’s accomplishments, but that’s not what he’s all about. Bart Starr is about helping others. It takes a lot to impress me and he certainly did that. He then went on give a fantastic talk that blew me away.

Bart was an amazing speaker sharing stories about his playing days and Vince Lombardi; giving inspirational quotes and tips on how to win in the game of life. Here’s what I got out of his talk…

Bart was wearing his Super Bowl II ring. It was big. But what was bigger was the way he spoke from the heart.

“It’s easy to have faith in yourself and have discipline when you’re a winner, when you’re number one. What you’ve got to have is faith and discipline when you’re not a winner.” -Vince Lombardi

Starr said that when he first met Vince Lombardi, Lombardi started off by saying, “Thank you…it’s an honor to be your coach.” I truly got that impression from Bart Starr last night, as well. Part of success is being humble.

“Chase perfection, and you’ll catch excellence.”

Bart said that we are in charge of our attitudes and shared a great quote by Steven Covey…

“I want to live a life of integrity and make a difference in the lives of others.”

Bart Starr says we can do that every day. “We all have talent and our attitude maximizes it.” I agree.

He also said that we should have a game plan (purpose), otherwise our goals are no good.

Be Proud

Lead with Enthusiasm

Have Courage (to work through tough times)

Be Prepared and Organized

Have Integrity

Have Humility (count your blessings)

Be Courteous and Kind“Some people that come into our lives are like waves, they don’t stay long. Others stay a while and put footprints on our hearts and touch our souls.”

Have Love (for and towards others)

Have a Sense of Humor (be able to laugh at yourself)

Bart Starr knows that success isn’t about your accomplishments, it’s about OTHERS. He talked about how Stevie Wonder once received a letter requesting that he visit a cancer clinic between concerts and of course he did. But the amazing thing is that Stevie performed much STRONGER at the next concert.

Bart said that Lombardi never really talked about football, he talked about life.

I went into last night’s talk hoping to get just ONE thing to take away, but I left with much more including motivation and inspiration from Bart Starr, not only a living legend in football, but more importantly, a living legend in life.

Thank you Bart.

Thanks for reading.


Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Salvatore Scarlata.

Last night I attended A Taste of the Nation, the country’s largest and finest culinary benefit dedicated to making sure no child in America grows up hungry. This is the 16th year of this great event in Princeton, New Jersey.

There’s something powerful being in the same room with some of the best chefs in the world. I had some amazing cheeses, meats, seafood, wine and desserts. Many of which were wonderfully creative. My personal favorites were chorizo wrapped shrimp, sweet potato casserole, goat cheese stuffed pepper and Vidalia’s specialty. It was nice to see successful people donating their time for a great cause.

I spent some time with Salvatore Scarlata, owner and chef of the amazing Vidalia restaurant in Lawrenceville, New Jersey. Sal had me try the most amazing lobster ravioli that he prepared for the event. I asked Sal what it took to be a successful chef and restaurant owner; here’s what he had to say…

1. Passion

2. Creativity

3. Relationships

I really love talking to successful people because the principles are all the same. Do you need passion in what you do? What if you were more creative? Could you benefit from better relationships?

So be like the top chefs in the world and you’ll be able to cook up anything you want in life…and visit Vidalia in Lawrenceville. Tell them Ed sent you.

Thanks for reading.


Today’s message is dedicated to everyone who “lives” for the weekend.

Are you reading this at work? Do you wish it was still the weekend? Are you counting the days to your next vacation? It’s raining today in the Princeton area…who cares? If I get depressed whenever it rains, I lose a whole day out of my life and I can’t get that back. Even if it’s raining, you can still do great things…you can still have a great day.

If you only get enjoyment out of weekends, that means you will only be happy 104 days a year…28.49% of a calendar year. OK, so let’s figure in your two weeks of vacation time a year…now we’re at a whopping 32%.

At the end of your life, will you be satisfied with being happy 32% of the time?

I know I won’t, that’s why I live every day like it’s my last. That’s why I’m doing what I love. That’s why I help others. That’s why I enjoy all the big and little things…the good and the not so good. The good makes me happy, the not so good makes me wiser. That’s why I don’t take life for granted, I cherish it. Besides, complaining zaps you of positive energy and then you attract more negativity in your life. You become your thoughts, so change your mind and change your life.

Life’s not a “got to” it’s a “get to.”

Thanks for reading.


Today’s message is especially dedicated to all the great Special Olympics Athletes, Coaches, Volunteers and Supporters at Sectionals yesterday at Riverwinds in West Deptford, New Jersey.

I have been a volunteer tennis coach for the Special Olympics for many years and it is truly one of my favorite things to do. It is such a proud moment when the athletes get their ribbons and medals (above). Nobody does it for the money because there is no money. I think many times we are so concerned with “what’s in it for me?” that we lose sight of what it’s really all about…others. It’s not about what kind of car you drive, how big your house is, or which iPod you have. When teenagers volunteer, studies have shown that they reap the health benefits for up to 60 years later because things are in perspective and you have less stress and are happier. So go out and help out in any way that you can, anywhere that you can. You won’t regret it.
“Everyone needs help from everyone.”
-Bertolt Brecht
“What do we live for if not to make life less difficult for each other?”
-George Eliot
“He who lives only for himself is truly dead to others.”
-Publilius Syrus
“A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle.”
-Benjamin Franklin
“Happiness is achieved only by making others happy.”
-Stuart Cloete
“There is no better exercise for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.”
-John Andrew Holmes
“You cannot always have happiness, but you can always give happiness.”
Thanks for reading.


Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Kyle Goodwin.

There is only one thing we have complete control over…

It’s not what happens to us…

It’s not what people do…

It’s not what people say…

It’s not the weather…

It’s not the umpires or the referees…

The only thing that we have complete control over is…


Thanks for reading.

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Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Cameron Boyd.

Do you want to be better than the competition?

Do you want to get to the next level?

Do you want to be an expert in your field?

Here’s how you do it…

Cross-training. Mental and physical cross-training.

If you are an athlete, do some sport-specific exercises to improve your movement on the court or in the field. The more efficient you move the better you will perform in your specific sport.

You also need to cross-train your mind. So if you get nervous playing a match, give a talk in front of your class or to your co-workers. If you are in business, talk to people in other industries to get fresh ideas and think “outside the box.” The more you can perform under pressure situations and think creatively, the better results you will get.

“If you do what everyone else is doing, you’re going to get the same results as everyone else. If you go above and beyond, your results will be, as well.”

Thanks for reading.


Ed Tseng is now a trainer and peak performance consultant for CanDo Fitness & the Parisi Speed School in Princeton, NJ. Now serving tennis cross-training for performance and overall fitness, as well as mental training for students, athletes, coaches, business professionals…ANYONE looking to get the edge over the competition. So if you’re looking get more fit, mentally AND physically, stop by.