Message # 118 This Message Could Change Your Life

This message is especially dedicated to the great Paolo Colandrea. Who is Paolo Colandrea? Find out in tomorrow’s blog.

The quote below could change your life…

“Almost all the successful people in the world are NOT the most intelligent or talented. They become successful because they WANT to become successful.” – Ed Tseng

You can call it whatever you want…want, desire, drive, or motivation. Society tells us that if we do well in school, we will be successful, but the truth is, success in school is pretty much who can absorb the most information. That is how we are graded. There are plenty of people out there that did great in school who are unsuccessful or even unemployed. Why is that? A big part of this is because they don’t have the DRIVE in them; the BURNING DESIRE. They may want to succeed, who doesn’t? But they don’t really WANT to succeed; there’s a difference. The most successful people want success badly. School doesn’t show us who those people are.

So no matter what point you are in your life or what your past conditions have been, you can still become successful. I truly believe that ANYONE can become successful if they want it badly enough and have the belief that it will happen.

Thanks for reading.

Message # 117 Don’t Worry, Be Happy

“Thinking about what you don’t want to happen increases the odds that it will.” – Robert Kreigel, “If It Ain’t Broke, Break It”

It’s a rare occasion that a clock experiences a nervous breakdown. But one little ticker worked himself into a frenzy thinking about how often it would have to tick in the coming year. “I’ll have to tick two times per second,” he muttered. “Oh my, that means 120 ticks per minute, 7,200 each hour, 172,800 a day.” Continuing to calculate his responsibilities, the little clock worried it would not be able to complete the necessary 1,209,600 ticks every week. The clock suddenly realized it would have to tick nearly 63 million times during the next 12 months. The more he thought about it, the more worried he became. Finally the little clock become so anxious his little ticker went on the blink.

Realizing he needed help, the clock sought the counsel of a psychiatrist. “I just don’t have what it takes to tick that often,” he lamented. The counselor responded, “How many ticks must you tick at a time?” The clock answered, “Just one.” “How about using your energies to tick just one tick at a time,” suggested the counselor, “and I think you will be just fine.”

So, the little clock wound himself up, concerned himself with one tick at a time and ticked happily ever after.

Take life one tick at a time. Although your problems, upcoming challenges, or ongoing burdens seem insurmountable, you’ll find renewed strength by taking life one step at a time.

Thanks for reading.

Message # 116 Ten Most Common Causes of Failure

“Very often we are our own worst enemy as we foolishly build stumbling blocks on the path that leads to success and happiness.”

1. Blaming others
2. Blaming self
3. No goals
4. Wrong goals
5. Taking the short cut
6. Taking the long road
7. Neglecting the little things
8. Quitting too soon
9. Burden of the past
10. Illusion of success

-University of Success

Thanks for reading.

Message # 115 Public Declaration

This message is especially dedicated to the great writer, Robin S. Sharma.

Today, November 23, 2007, I, Ed Tseng am making a public declaration that I will now be rising with the sun every day and meditating. This is something I decided I wanted to do from now on, and when you make a public declaration, you are sure to follow through with it. If anyone would like to join me, please feel free, as it is a wonderful and powerful way to start your day. Here’s what I did today…

I lie awake in bed thinking new ideas about my book, Zen in the Art of Tennis, and how I’m going to spread my message and make sure I get on Oprah. Once I get on Oprah, I will have the notoriety, and I can begin my non-profit organization and travel spreading my message, and helping people achieve success. The thing about truly successful people is that they don’t want to go to bed at night, and they can’t wait to get up in the morning. I fall under that category; I can’t tell you how many times I tell people that I was up at 4am with some new ideas that I started jotting down, or typing. People look at me like I have three heads, but you know what? That tells me that I’m on the right track; the right track because I have the passion for what I am doing, but also that NOBODY else is doing it.

I got up right away and headed to my new Sanctuary of the Self (meditation area) and sat on a cushion. I started off focusing on my breathing, deep breathing. After a few minutes of deep breathing, I began focusing on gratitude. I was appreciating everything that I have in my life, big and small; I was thankful for my friends and family, my car, my house, my job, my ability to continuously gain knowledge and teach what I know, my health, etc. After my period of gratitude, I then focused on visualizing my goals, as if they were already been attained. This is a very powerful technique that very few people use. Your sub-conscious doesn’t know the difference between what you visualize in your mind, and what actually physically happens. This means that visualization is just as good as doing.
After that, I fed my dog started writing today’s blog message…

The time of my meditations will vary, and some days I may be out of town, so access to the Internet may be a challenge, but for for the most part, you can make sure I’m on track by looking at what time my posts were done…I’m predicting within an hour of the sun rising.

You may be thinking that you cannot do this every day because you don’t have the time. You’re wrong; that’s like saying you don’t have time to get gas because you’re too busy driving! Once you start doing this, it becomes a “get to” instead of a “got to.” Your inner strengths are just as important than your outer strengths, probably more.

“We are not passionate because we are successful, we are successful because we are passionate. Get passionate about life…don’t let it pass you by.” – Ed Tseng

“Don’t die with the music still inside you.”

Thanks for reading.

Message # 114 Happy Thanksgiving

This message is especially dedicated to everyone in my past, present and future. I thank you for making me who I am, and who I will be.

Here are some quotes for our Day of Thanks.

“Who does not thank for little will not thank for much.” – Estonian proverb

“If only the people who worry about their liabilities would think about the riches they do possess, they would stop worrying. Would you sell both your eyes for a million dollars…or your two legs…or your hands…or your hearing? Add up what you do have, and you’ll find that you won’t sell them for all the gold in the world. The best things in life are yours, if you can appreciate yourself.” – Dale Carnegie

“Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” – Charles Dickens

“We give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.”
– Sacred ritual chant

“I am thankful, because I choose to be.” – E. Tseng

“The unthankful heart…discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!”
– Henry Ward Beecher

Thanks for reading and have a safe holiday.

Message # 113 Giving Thanks

When talking about Thanksgiving, do you often say one or more of the following?…

“I don’t want to spend time with my family; they annoy me.”

“I have to prepare so much food, help out around the house; I’m going crazy.”

“I have to drive sooo far to my relatives’ house.”

“There’s going to be so much food and I’m going to gain so much weight.”

“I HATE turkey!”

Now, although those feelings may be true, it is your choice whether or not you dwell on them and let them bother you. I have negative thoughts all the time, but I accept them and immediately think about them in a positive way.

If you have to drive far, think of it as a good time to listen to a good audio book in the car; or if there is going to be so much food, think of it as having many options; if your family drives you crazy, think about all the people in the world that don’t even HAVE families.

Thanksgiving is a time of appreciation and gratitude. If you are reading this, you have the gift of life. Don’t just go through life merely existing and WANTING materialistic things. True happiness comes from helping others and expressing appreciation and gratitude to everyone you come in contact with. Treat everyone the same, regardless of how they treat you; if they are good to you, love them back; if they are cruel to you, love them back.

“all communication is either a loving response or a cry for help.”

It’s easy to give love to someone who is good to you, but if you give love to someone who is not good to you, and you do it long enough, you will change their attitude and their intensity will disappear.

One of the things that changed my life is when I began incorporating gratitude in my life. I started appreciating everything in my life, especially the little things. But it’s like anything else, you can’t just do it once – you have to do it every day. Honestly, every day is Thanksgiving to me and happiness is always with me.

Much appreciation and gratitude for reading.

Message # 112 If Spud Webb Can Do It, YOU Can Do It

This message is especially dedicated to the great Christa Consolini.

Spud Webb is 5′ 7″ tall. Spud Webb played in the NBA, where the AVERAGE height is 6′ 7″. Oh, and he also won the Slam Dunk Contest in 1986.

If Spud Webb can play in the NBA and win the slam dunk contest, imagine what YOU can do. I’m not saying if you are 5′ 6″ you should start shooting hoops; what I AM saying is that if you can do ANYTHING if you have the desire, right strategy, and belief that it is possible.

Get motivated, push yourself, stretch yourself. Don’t “try your best,” “DO WHATEVER IT TAKES!”

Watch the video below of Spud Webb…check out Michael Jordan’s face at the end.

Thanks for reading.

Spud Webb Dunk Contest

Message # 111 Success Tips From Tal Ben-Shahar

This message is dedicated to the great Alexa Guirano.

I recently received an email from Tal Ben-Shahar, author of the best selling book, “Happier” and professor of one of the most popular classes at Harvard. As you know, I like to interview the experts and I like to not only share that information with you, but I like to incorporate those successful qualities into my own life, as well. I asked Tal what he thought the three most important keys to success were. Here’s what he said…

1. Passion (love for what one does)
2. Efficacy (belief in oneself)
3. Hard Work (persistence, dedication)

I couldn’t have said it better myself. It doesn’t matter what you are doing, if you have passion, efficacy, and hard work, ANYTHING is attainable. What Tal speaks of is really a formula; if any part of that formula is missing, it won’t work, and you won’t reach success. Write down these three things, keep it in your wallet or put it on your bathroom mirror and incorporate them into everything that you do and see what type of results you get. You can even turn it into a game, and rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 10 at the end of every day to see if you met these success characteristics; keep track in a notebook.

If you don’t read another blog or learn anything else in life, follow the three keys above and you will produce some amazing results.

“Your ‘I can’ is more important than your ‘IQ.'”

Thanks for reading.

Message # 110 FUN

So today I spent some time with my mentee, Amish. We went to Grand Slam batting cages to hit some and play some games. He started hitting first, and missed the first few balls, but I was encouraging. Then he started really getting the hang of it. Then, it was my turn and he ask me if I was good. I actually was a better baseball player than tennis player for most of my life, but I haven’t played or gone to the cages in a while, so I’m a bit rusty. I started in the medium cage and Amish was so great…The medium was pretty easy so my first few hits were right on the money and Amish kept saying good hit and “You’re not rusty at all, Ed.” After that, I went into the fast cages and Amish said, “I’ve gotta see this…” I did pretty well.

After hitting, we played some mini golf, skeeball, basketball and some other games. After the batting cages, we stopped by a pizza place for a quick slice. Amish asked me to help him with his homework, so I agreed to stay for a bit.

I started mentoring Amish because he lost his mother in 9/11, and Tuesday’s Children helps match up children that lost a parent in 9/11 with adults looking to help out. I thought it was such a great cause, and I wanted to give my support. As it turns out, Amish is helping me out, as well, by being a friend, and inspiration. He truly enjoys life and is developing into a wonderful young man. I always look forward to spending time with him.

Tuesday’s Children is always looking for mentors, and it has made a big impact in my life…I highly recommend helping out.

Thanks for reading.