Yesterday I was knocked out for most of the day with a headache, stomach-ache and fever, but I had this interview scheduled and did it anyway. I didn’t act how I felt. Can you tell? Enjoy this video blog with Kari Adams, relationship expert and founder of the Princeton Elite Club.


One area of sports psychology is relaxation/stress reduction.

In sports and life, we reach peak performance by staying in the present moment, using relaxed focus.

Here is a mini-meditation, an ancient technique used by monks that you can use anytime, anywhere to relax, reduce stress and stay in the present moment.

Take a couple deep breaths…in through the nose for four seconds and out through the nose for four seconds, from the stomach (vs the chest).

Now just observe the rise and fall of your abdomen. Don’t force it, just observe it. Thoughts may arise, that’s okay, just accept them and go back to focusing on the rising and falling.

Continue on your own for a few moments….

Notice while you were meditating, you didn’t have many thoughts going on in your head (if you did, that just means that you need to practice)…you weren’t thinking about work. You weren’t thinking about school. You weren’t thinking about getting a goldfish.

Life moves pretty fast, but when you make time for relaxation (meditation), you will have less stress, which is the main cause of disease and sickness. When you have less stress, you will perform at a higher level, slow life down and begin to enjoy the process.

You can use this technique at work, on line at the grocery store or before you perform at Carnegie Hall.


“At the end of the day, take the pillow test – when you put your head on the pillow, are you going to say, ‘I’m glad I did,’ or are you going to say, ‘I wish I had’?”
-ROB GILBERT, Ph.D., Ed Tseng’s mentor

My only question for you today is…

Are you going to go all out, or are you going to hold back?

My good friend and mentor, Dr. Rob Gilbert, is a college professor and one of the top sports psychologists and motivational speakers on the planet.

After his students graduate, many times they come back and visit.

They never say, “I wish I would have partied more.”

They always say, “If I worked just a little bit harder, I could have been national champion.”

How are YOU doing?

WHAT are you doing?

Here is my challenge to you…

Go all out today, and at the end of the day, take the Pillow Test…and see if you say, “I’m glad I did.”


“Some people wait so long for their ship to come in that their pier collapses.”
-author unknown

Well, it’s officially the holidays and the game of stress has begun.

The malls are like zoos and the tension is building within all of us. We seem to have less time during the day and we need to constantly check if we are breathing.

And I know something about you – during this holiday season, there will be things that you have to do, but don’t feel like, i.e., paying the bills, working out, or practicing the piano.

Here’s what the winners do…

Use the 15-minute rule: make an agreement with yourself that you will “just do it” for fifteen minutes, then you can stop. Go to the gym for fifteen minutes, clean the house, or make those calls. Here’s the beauty of it – YOU WON’T STOP AFTER FIFTEEN MINUTES. You’ll get into it. Before you know it, you’ll be at the gym for the full hour.

If you’ve read my book, or have been following this blog, you know you should…

1. Procrastinate procrastination.
2. Just do it.
3. Make no exceptions.
4. When things are difficult, relax more and breathe deeper.
5. Enjoy the process…and make sure you exercise.

Now take a few deep diaphragmatic breaths (in through the nose for four seconds, using your stomach, then out through the nose for four seconds). Smile, and go all out!

Thanks for reading.


Ed Tseng interviews one of his she-roes, Jennie Murphy, a student-athlete who is legally blind.


Ed Tseng interviews Paolo Colandrea, the “Mystery Man” from the final episode of The Sopranos at his restaurant in Penndel, Pennsylvania.


“Falling into a routine can destroy your life. Routine is so dangerous and so powerful that even the best of intentions can be knocked down for good because of it. Recognize if you are in a routine and break free.”
-author unknown

Our habits form our lives. Most of what we do on a daily basis is the same as the day before.

Most of what we do is normal, standard, boring.

VANILLA (as in ice cream).

I just really started getting into Twitter. Gary Vaynerchuck, author of CRUSH IT! gave me some great ideas on how to use social media to “crush it” and take my personal brand to the next level.

I started following a large number of people.

They all responded with the same message…

“Thanks for the follow! Checkout my website at…”

That’s annoying.

That’s what everyone does. Why wouldn’t you do something different?

Stop ordering vanilla ice cream.

What if you saw a black crow today? You wouldn’t think anything of it.

But what if you saw a pink crow today? I think you would definitely take notice.

You can be sure I will be direct messaging people with unique messages.

In tennis, if your strategy isn’t working, try something different. Change speeds, go to net, hit some moon balls.

You’ll get different results.

Business, school and relationships are the same way.


I am very thankful for all of my blog readers…have a safe and grateful holiday.


Enjoy my first video blog with the great Bob Ryland, Arthur Ashe’s hero, and the first black professional tennis player, at his home in New York City.


I recorded an amazing video blog today in NYC…

It is sooo amazing that the HD quality is too good and it is difficult to upload, so you’ll have to wait til tomorrow.

In the meantime, I will leave you with a quote…

“Instead of putting pressure on myself and thinking, ‘I’ve got to make this shot,’ I just thought, ‘Go ahead and make it.’ It’s a subtle difference but a big one.”

Talk to you tomorrow…