Many times I work with an athlete on strategy. For example, I will tell a tennis player to come to net so he/she can finish off the point.

As a response, they often say, “But they might lob over my head!”

I tell them not to worry about it until it happens.

I know many business owners that don’t take risks because of the dreaded, “What if?”

Now, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t prepare for these situations. You should.

The bottom line is that you need to get out of your comfort zone.

You need to take risks.

You need to what you’ve never done so you can get the results that you’ve never gotten.




Tonight I spoke to the NJ Unemployed group at Mrs. G’s in Lawrenceville.

I did it for free.


Because I know that helping others and making a difference is more important than financial rewards.

You see, we can’t take our money when we leave this world, but we can take the satisfaction that the world is a better place because we lived.

Money comes and goes, but what we do and how we impact our world stays forever.

You know what the funny thing is?

The more you help others, the more money you will make (and the better your results will be).

Try it just for one day…

Be a great teammate.

Be a great romantic partner.

Be a great employee.

Focus on adding value, being the best unselfish you you can be.

And then leave your comments below.


I have a new hero.

His name is Edison Pena.

Edison Pena was one of the 33 men trapped underground in the Chilean mines for 69 days.

And this Sunday, he will be running in the New York City Marathon.

While trapped, Pena, known as miner No. 12, ran up to 6 miles a day in underground black tunnels with a flashlight and often dragging a wooden pallet behind him. He ran in work boots. He ran in 86 degrees.

Before the miners got trapped, Pena’s daily commute was nearly two hours each way…on bicycle.

And then he became trapped underground. During this time, Pena fought with his own mind.

“I became two people: the weak person who wanted simply to give up, and the person who chose to be strong – to run and to survive,” he said. “Eventually, I chose to live.”

“I ran to forget that I was trapped.”

And even though he has never run more than 10 miles, he will be giving his all this Sunday in the marathon.

“I know it will be very hard, but I have no fear,” Pena said.

Edison Pena said he is an athlete, “not a grand champion.”

He’s wrong.

As for the rest of you reading, the next time you don’t feel like running, going to work, or studying…



Today I was tired.

But I didn’t ACT tired.

In fact, I think I taught some of the best lessons I have ever taught.

You see, a true professional is someone who can do their best when they feel their worst.

Think of it this way, if you are a waitress and you are having a bad day, should you LOOK like you’re having a bad day?

Of course not, you won’t get any tips.

So you have to act differently than you feel. Sports and life are the same way.

Some days you will feel “off” but you can still perform like you’re “on.”

Thanks for reading.


When you talk about success, I think it all starts in your mind.

It starts with that little voice inside your head.

And if you’re asking yourself right now, “Do I have a little voice inside my head?”…that’s the voice I’m talking about.

In order to be successful, you need to have the right mindset.

1. You need confidence–believe anything is possible (even if you have to fake it).

2. You need to accept and let go of negative thoughts (yes, they will arise).

3. You need to set goals (specific mastery goals).

4. You need to add value and help others (then you will get what you want).

5. You need to focus on the process (attitude and effort) instead of the product (winning/losing, making the sale, final grade, etc.)

Once you make this paradigm shift, you world will change.

And your results will change.


I’m a big Michael Jordan fan.

Everyone knows that MJ got cut from his high school basketball team.

But here’s something that nobody knows…

Michael was cut from his varsity team but was allowed to play on junior varsity.

Well, on the last day of the season, MJ asked the varsity coach if he could just ride on the bus with the varsity squad.

The coach said yes, as long as he carried the varsity players’ uniforms.

He agreed.

So not only did Michael Jordan get cut from his high school basketball team, Michael Jordan carried the varsity team’s uniforms.

Then, the next school year, he worked harder than anyone else and eventually became the Michael Jordan that we all know.

Be like Mike.


I know something about you.

You want to get better.

You want to get to the next level.

Do you know how I know that?

Because you wouldn’t be reading this blog if you didn’t.

I work with a lot of athletes and a common challenge is motivation.

Many people just can’t get motivated.

But they have it wrong.

They wait until they FEEL motivated.

It doesn’t work this way.

Motivation is an action.

Start acting motivated and then you will start to FEEL motivated.

If you have to practice, study, clean the house or make phone calls…

Don’t wait until you feel motivated, just start doing it!

The other day I decided I was going to wake up, go for a run and do some yoga.

Well, I woke up and wanted to go back to bed for a little while, but I didn’t. I got dressed, put on my running shoes and headed out the door.

As I got out the door I noticed that it was raining and that little voice inside my head asked me, “Should I still run?”

Before I could negotiate with myself to NOT run, I just went.

After I got home, I practiced some yoga and then started the rest of my day.

It was a good one.

It doesn’t take talent to take action, but it does take mental toughness.


Someone once said, (and that someone may have been me), that good teachers borrow and GREAT teachers steal.

Well, today’s message was stolen.

My good friend and mentor, the great Rob Gilbert, Ph.D, one of the top sports psychologists in the world shared something with me recently.

He said that Lou Holtz, the former head coach of the Notre Dame football team once said that there are four types of people in the world…

The cop-outs.

The hold-outs.

The drop-outs.

And the all-outs.

The cop-outs make excuses.

The hold-outs hold back.

The drop-outs give up.

And the all-outs go all-out all the time.

Which category do you fall into?


Today, I went to the dentist. For most people, the dentist is not a pleasant thing.

I really enjoyed it. When I walked in, there was a cupcake with a candle (for my birthday)!

That was a nice touch.

I had a great cleaning and learned a lot about my teeth.

While I was getting my teeth cleaned, I decided to meditate. As the great Dr. Katz cleaned my teeth, I was practicing my breathing techniques…it actually made me relaxed and made the time go by quickly.

But not everyone has an enjoyable time at the dentist.

I remember a story about a professional tennis player who, when she was a little girl, witnessed her mother die in the dentist chair. This girl was so scared of the dentist that she never went. That is, until her teeth were so bad that she HAD to. She grew into a lovely woman who played on the pro tennis tour, but was having much problems with her teeth.

So finally, she went to the dentist and she totally drove herself crazy with anxiety.

And guess what happened?

She died in the dentist chair!

What is the moral of this story?

The mind is a powerful thing–use it in a positive way.


I once had a student who hated being embarrassed. During lessons and during competition, he would just drive himself crazy thinking about what people thought about how he was playing, and what they would think if he lost, or missed a shot.

Guess how he played?


The reason why this type of focus hurts your performance is because when you focus on external factors, you are not focusing on what is going to help you play your best game.

The way to play your best game is to focus on your strategy, your effort, your attitude. If your strategy isn’t working, make an adjustment.

The key is to NOT let anything external have any influence over you.

Is it hard?


Is it a choice?
