Today on Success Hotline, my friend and mentor, Dr. Rob Gilbert shared a great quote, the eight most powerful words…

“Do the thing and you’ll have the power.”


Today, I also gave a workshop on mental toughness at Nick DiPillo’s basketball skills camp. Afterwards, I spent some time with Nick and Hamady Ndaiye, the 7′ 0″ center for the Washington Wizards (above).

Hamady Ndaiye, or “H” as I now call him, did the thing and now he has the power.

“H” only started playing basketball six years ago and now he’s in the NBA. He admits there are challenges and that he has negative thoughts, but in his mind, there are no limits regarding how far he can go.

According to DiPillo, nobody works harder than “H.” As a matter of fact, DiPillo said, “He’s had nothing handed to him. He’s worked for every minute of playing time, and every spot on every team he’s played on. His work ethic is unmatched, and his enthusiasm is infectious. He’s the epitome of a team player.”

That’s the “thing” and “H” is doing it. And he wasn’t even a starter for Rutgers University until the end of his senior year!

The other thing that impresses me about “H” is that he is determined.

Hamady Ndaiye does not strive to do his best…

Hamady Ndaiye strives to DO WHATEVER IT TAKES.

Everybody knows what to do, but very few people do what they know.

“Do the thing and you’ll have the power.”


Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Ryan Freeman in Denver, Colorado.

You can’t score without goals.

No, I’m not talking about soccer or hockey.

The most successful people in the world are not necessarily the most talented, best looking, or smartest.

The most successful people are the ones who WANT to become successful.

They know where they want to go and set goals to help them get there.

If you don’t have goals, you are just spinning your wheels.

What good is it if you are the fastest runner in the world if you are running in the wrong direction?

Write down your goals, read them daily, and don’t stop until you reach them.

That’s it.


Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Hollie Holcombe.

Earlier today, I spoke to about 40 young basketball players at Nick DiPillo’s Spring Break Skills Camp. A key point I brought up was that failure was inevitable. Everyone fails. It’s part of the process.

Michael Jordan got cut from his basketball team in high school, but he didn’t give up.

Thomas Edison failed over 10,000 times when trying to invent the lightbulb.

Babe Ruth hit the most home runs, but he also had the most strikeouts. And each time The Babe failed, he said, “Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.”

How does this relate to you? Let me put it to you this way…


Bounce back today!


Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Nick DiPillo, former WNBA assistant coach of the New York Liberty.

I had a meeting of the minds today with Nick DiPillo. We were talking about mental toughness in basketball…and life.

I asked him what the biggest challenges were for basketball players.

One common challenge was that some players lacked focus. They were thinking about the wrong things at the wrong time.

Many young basketball think about homework, other sports or other external factors when practicing or competing.

The pro basketball players think about the commercial they need to shoot or other commitments they may need to tend to after practice or the game.

The specific distraction may be different for young and pro basketball players, but the challenge is the same—they have the wrong focus.

The average or below average players are thermometers—they focus on what’s happening on the outside, other than basketball.

The great basketball players are thermostats—they can change their internal temperature, re-focus and kick butt on the task at hand.

Mental Toughness Tip: Before practice or competition, make a list of specific issues that may be concerning you. Write them down. Keep them in your locker and forget about them until the end of your session. Stay focused on the present moment, that’s where the power is.


Recently, I was speaking with a club manager and he mentioned that many parents today are too protective of their children. Parents want their children to be perfect—they don’t want them to fail.

Is this really helpful to the child?

Is this the mindset we want our children to have?

First of all, there’s no such thing as perfect. In fact, successful people fail the most.

If you’re not failing, you’re not taking risks. You’re not working hard enough.

Remember Zeke Bonura back in Message #1268? If not, click here.

Zeke Bonura had one of the highest fielding percentages in pro baseball, but that was because he didn’t try for any balls that he might miss.

Is this how we want to live?

There is a reason why you didn’t recognize the name Zeke Bonura.

Henry Ford went bankrupt five times while trying to develop businesses…eventually the Ford Motor Company was built.

Soichiro Honda applied for a job as an engineer for Toyota Motor Corporation but did not get the job and was unemployed for quite some time…eventually he began making scooters out of his home and started his own company.

Bill Gates failed out of college, and his first business, Traf-O-Data failed as well…eventually he started Microsoft.

Ever heard of the name Walt Disney?…he was fired by a newspaper editor because he “lacked imagination and had no good ideas.”

So all of you parents, future parents, coaches and athletes…

Embrace failure, for it is where we learn the most. In fact, don’t even call it failure, call it feedback.

I hope you fail today.


Well here I am back in good ole New Jersey, and as wonderful a time I had on my honeymoon in Hawaii, it’s great to be back. I love traveling, but there’s something I love even more—real life.

Most people “live” for their vacations.

Most people “can’t wait” until the weekend.

Why is that?

1. Many people don’t do what they love.
2. Many people don’t cultivate gratitude for what they already have.
3. Many people don’t think success in sports and life is possible.

Some say that I am successful.

I don’t look at myself that way. I look at myself who is doing what he is passionate about, truly wants to make a difference in the world, and believes that anything is possible.

Did you know I failed out of college—twice?!?

Anything is possible if you believe you can achieve. All you have to do is start taking the correct action.


It’s not too late to be what you might have been.


I did it.

I took the famous Road to Hana here in Maui.

This all-day trip included 600 hairpin turns, 57 one-lane bridges, plants, vegetation, local foods, breath-taking scenery, the bluest water you’ll ever see and 9 of the world’s 13 climates.

They say The Road to Hana is about the journey, not the destination.

Many tourists finally get to Hana, spend about 10 minutes walking around, and then get back in the car and drive back, wondering what all the fuss is about.

They don’t understand that it’s about the journey.

Sports and life are the same way.

People don’t sing to get to the end of the song, do they?

Arthur Ashe put it best…

“Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is more important than the outcome.”

Today my journey is humpback whale watching.


Hawaiian Word of the Day:

Pupule: poo-poo-lay
Crazy, insane

Pupule reminds me of Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity-doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Often we keep doing the same thing and we complain that we are not getting the results that we want.

We want to get fit but we keep eating the same foods and stay sedentary.

We want to get better grades but we don’t change our study habits.

And we want to become a professional athlete but we don’t train like the way we should.

So in many ways, we are pupule.

Take different actions and get different results.

This rule applies, no matter what language you speak.


Today I saw some bamboo trees here in Hawaii. I saw traditional bamboo trees, as well as a black bamboo tree.

I love bamboo trees for their beauty; and I love bamboo trees for their metaphorical value.

When you plant bamboo trees, nothing happens for the first four years. But then, in the fifth year, the bamboo tree grows two and a half feet every day for six weeks reaching up to ninety feet.

You, my friend, are a bamboo tree.

You may not see it, but you are germinating right now.

All of the work you are putting into your sport, studies or sales, will soon explode and you will get the results you are looking for. But be patient and persist.


Hawaiian Word of the Day:

Akamai: ah-kah-my
Smart, clever

What does it mean to be smart?

Does it mean having a PhD?

Does it mean getting good grades?

It might, but being akamai to me means taking the right action.

Doing what needs to be done, whether you feel like it or not.

Be akamai today!