“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

First of all, Happy Birthday to my father, the great Vincent Tseng.

One thing my father taught me was that I need to be me. When I began college, my father thought that I should be in the computer industry, so that was my first major. But when it didn’t work out, he supported me in what I loved most—sports.

And then my grades skyrocketed and I was named Pro of the Year.

That was the best thing that ever happened to me. Why? Because I hit bottom and bounced back up. I followed my passion.

How does this affect you?

Don’t play a sports because someone tells you to.

Don’t become a doctor because someone tells you to.

Don’t become a musician because someone tells you to.

Follow your heart. Do what you love.

Then work harder than everyone else.

People like to give their opinions, but nobody knows you like you know you.

Do what you love. Do what’s right. And help make the world a better place.

And know that you have my support.

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