After teaching an 8am lesson this morning, I felt that I should workout. I didn’t really feel like it, but knew that I should. Guess what?

I just did it. I told myself that I would just do a light workout. I ended up doing a full workout and felt great.

The whole world saw Micheal Phelps win his eighth gold medal last night. The whole world knows that it was history in the making. But here’s what the world doesn’t know…

The races were probably the easiest thing Phelps has done.

Let me put it this way, Michael Phelps works out every day. He works out HARD every day. It’s painful. Do you think that he ever feels like NOT working out? I’m sure that many times he doesn’t feel like it, but does it anyway. He doesn’t let himself negotiate with himself not to train. That’s what winners do.

I’m sure that many people now want to become the next Michael Phelps. Developing the physical skills of Phelps will take a long time, but you can instantly become just as great as him by having the same mental toughness and attitude that he has.

Do the right thing…whether you feel like it or not.

Thanks for reading.

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