Today’s message is especially dedicated to all who came out for the first ever Princeton Peak Performance Meetup Group.
For those of you who sent me hate mail and comments yesterday, I hope you had a good APRIL FOOL’S DAY.
S0 yesterday concluded my 21-Day Fitness Challenge. They say it takes twenty-one days to make something a habit and even though I stay active, I wanted to jump-start my fitness regimen. It certainly did that. And many of you joined me from all over the world, which made it even more fun.
Some days I merely performed an ab workout. Other days I went for a run, did jump rope, used my favorite piece of exercise equipment (not on the market yet but I have a prototype…stay tuned), worked out on the basketball court, soccer field or baseball field. If you missed the videos, click these links and watch me bend it like Beckham, shoot it like Jordan and hit it like Jeter.
I feel like I’m stronger, leaner and have more energy. I actually surprised myself with sports I have never really played, like soccer and basketball, but with some tips from my coach friends, I performed quite well. Any skill is learn-able.
Did I ever not feel like working out? Of course, but I did it anyway. It also helped that I put it into cyberspace.
1. Set a goal
2. Make it public
3. Get to work
What do you want to kick-start in your life?