

Today’s message is especially dedicated to all my blog readers in Australia and New Zealand.

One of the key concepts that I teach and live by is balance. It is even a chapter in my new book.

You need to work hard and you need to play hard.

You need to be intense, and you need to be relaxed.

You need to eat healthy foods, and need to have a cheat day once in a while.

You need to be organized, but you need to do nothing once in a while.

So I believe in balance, that is why I am leaving in less than 10 minutes to hop a flight to Australia and New Zealand until December 24th. I will be spending three days and two nights in Sydney, then get on a ship and cruise to Melbourne, Tasmania and a few stops in New Zealand.

Because I will be flying over the international date line, I will never see December 9, 2008…

Next blog message from Down Under…

Thanks for reading.