

I’m reading a great book right now by one of my favorite authors, “Rules for Revolutionaries” by Guy Kawasaki.

In this book, Kawasaki talks about a concept elegantly named, “eat like a bird, poop like an elephant.”

Most people have it wrong, Kawasaki says, referring to the fact that when someone says you eat like a bird, you don’t eat much. But the truth is, compared to their body weight, birds DO eat a lot. A hummingbird, for example eats about 50% of its body weight in one day.

Poop like an elephant. This one needs no explanation, elephants have about 165 pounds of poop a day.

How does this apply to sports and life?

Eat like a bird—take in a lot of information about your sport, business or major in school. Read, watch videos, talk to experts, etc. The more you know, the better off you will be (as long as you take action).

Poop like an elephant—disperse the information you acquire. Share with your teammates, co-workers and fellow students. If you do this, everybody wins (and you are forced to learn even more).

And while we are on the topic of animals, do what the title of Brian Tracy’s book says…

Eat That Frog!

This means, do the thing that you don’t feel like doing first! Make the important thing the important thing.

You may KNOW that you should eat like a bird and take in as much knowledge as you can…but that doesn’t mean you WILL.

You may KNOW that you should poop like an elephant and spread your knowledge to others…but that doesn’t mean you WILL.

A true champion does what he needs to do, when he needs to do it, whether he feels like it or not.


Brian Tracy, the expert on human potential, says…


What does this mean?

Eat that frog first thing in the morning and get it out of the way.

What is your frog? Working out? Making calls? Studying? Cleaning?

When you do the most difficult thing first, you not only get it out of the way, but you gain confidence and momentum. Otherwise, the frog will be staring at you all day and zap you of your energy.


“The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear.”

I recently worked with a high level athlete who used to get negative when competing. He used to yell and throw his racquet. This did not enable him to perform at a high level.

So I came up with a technique called “Click it.”

Many of us have iPods with our playlists and songs. Well, what do we do when we don’t like a song? We “click it” and change to a different song or playlist.

Sports are the same way, if we find ourselves getting negative, we need to “click it” and immediately change to a positive thought or mindset. Focus on your target, strategy and effort. When you do this, your mind cannot think about all that negative stuff.

We choose what we focus on, so next time you find yourself in a negative state, just CLICK IT!