

“Don’t confuse activity with progress.”
-author unknown

I have a feeling that someone reading this message has a busy life.

You’re always on the go.

You feel that there are not enough hours in the day.

You don’t seem to be getting anywhere in life.

Anyone can be busy doing a lot of things, but that doesn’t necessarily help them get to where they want to be. I have certainly been guilty of this.

See, here’s the thing…

Whatever you do, make sure it’s towards your ultimate purpose. If you want to be the best plumber in the world, don’t go out and get your real estate license. You have to keep heading in the right direction. Don’t be afraid to say no to people.

And another thing…

Do what you need to do, whether you feel like it or not. Like your taxes. Like your laundry. Like paying your bills. Like pulling weeds.

These things are not fun, but they need to be done.

I’ve been putting off exercising, meditating and organizing every morning, but today I decided to get back on track and do those things for 21 straight days. They say that if you do something for 21 days, it becomes a habit. That’s my goal. Today was day one, and as soon as I got up, I went for a walking meditation and when I finish this blog, I’m going to go up to my office and do some organizing.

I feel good, but I’ll feel even better after 21 days. Then it will be part of me.

Anybody can do something once – the great ones do things consistently.

Thanks for reading.


Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed at work, at home or at school? Do you sometimes feel distracted and pulled in many different directions? There will always be distractions, but there’s something you can do to limit the number of them.

Have a purpose. Create the life you want. Make the actions you take today help create your future. The future that you want. Many people wake up in the morning and say, “Let’s see what today brings.” This mindset relies on a lot of luck and these people are just spinning their wheels. Instead, say, “What do I want to accomplish today that will help me get closer to my goals?” If you have a true purpose in life, everything you do should go towards that purpose. If you have options or decisions to make, think about if taking on those tasks are in line with your goals. You may have many external distractions, like what people are saying, what people are asking of you, the economy or society.

A good friend once told me that you should be like a hurricane…there can be all these distractions going on around you, but on the inside you need to be like the “eye” of the hurricane-calm and focused.

Figure out your purpose.
Keep your actions in line with your purpose.
Create the life that you want.
Help others.
Leave a legacy.

“Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose-a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.”

Thanks for reading.


Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Marty Burch.

“I realize that I don’t have limits. Limits are always influences that come from outside, from people who don’t believe in themselves and their abilities. I firmly believe in myself. I know that I can do whatever I want and that I’ll always reach my goals.”


This mindset helped Madonna become who she is today. Most people don’t set their sights high enough. And most people have low self-images.

Vince Lombardi said to strive for perfection and you’ll run into excellence.

If you strive for mediocrity, you will never achieve greatness.


You don’t have to be great at the start, but you need to start to be great.

Thanks for reading.


Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Sergeant Longo.

I always tell people that the quickest way to hit a target is to start shooting and make adjustments. That’s how you reach a goal; you need to take action and make adjustments instead of just “thinking” or “talking” about it.

I asked Sergeant Christopher Longo of the Lawrence Police Department if hitting a target at the shooting range was the same way. “Well, I won’t just tell you, I’ll show you.”

So yesterday, Sergeant Longo took me to the shooting range and I shot a .40 and .45. handgun. Guess what?

I hit the bull’s eye on the first round. Watch the video below.


Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Richard Ridley.

We all have challenges, big and small. We will always have them. If you try to go through life without problems, you’re in for a big surprise. We cannot control our problems – only our reactions. Here’s what the great William Arthur Ward had to say:

“The experienced mountain climber is not intimidated by a mountain – he is inspired by it. The persistent winner is not discouraged by a problem – he is challenged by it. Mountains are created to be conquered; adversities are designed to be defeated; problems are sent to be solved. It is better to master one mountain than a thousand foothills.”

And, speaking of mountains, the great Tal Ben-Shahar, Harvard professor and author of the book, Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment, said that “Happiness is not making it to the peak of the mountain; happiness is the experience of climbing towards the peak.” In other words, focus on the process (your strategy) instead of the product (winning).

When I asked Dr. Ben-Shahar what the keys to success were, in his opinion, he said, Passion (love for what one does), efficacy (belief in one’s self), and hard work (persistence, dedication).

And that’s how you get things done…

Thanks for reading.