

Recently I was observing some gymnasts and one girl was working on flips with her coach. For some reason, she kept falling over to her left. The coach smartly put some pads on her left so she could try to avoid them. Well, she continued to fall to her left and knocked the pads over. As a consultant to the gymnastics academy, I asked if I could make a suggestion. I told the girl that oftentimes athletes only make minor adjustments, if any. I asked her to try the flip again, but this time, I stood on the right with my hands out. I said, “Okay, this time when you perform your flip, just make your legs hit my hands as you finish.

Guess what?

She landed perfectly.

This minor miracle occurred because when you make an extreme adjustment, oftentimes you find the middle.

Not a gymnast? You can still make adjustments in other sports, school, your job and in relationships.

Give it a try.

Ed Tseng
Mental Conditioning Coach



By perseverance the snail reached the ark.

You may not be a snail, but you still need to persist.

If your goal is to make your high school baseball team, or become a chocolatier, it doesn’t matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.

One of the biggest problems people have is that they stop too soon. Then they try something else. And probably stop too soon with that as well.

If you persist while others give up when they face adversity, or get frustrated, guess who’s going to be left at the top?


Don’t try your best, do whatever it takes.

Ed Tseng
Director of Mental Conditioning
Monroe Sports Center


Anthony Robbins via Twitter:

When it looks impossible and you are ready to quit, victory is near!


From John Wooden’s book, “Wooden”…

Preparation Is the Prize

Cervantes wrote, “The journey is better than the inn.” He is right and that is why I derived my greatest satisfaction out of the preparation—the “journey”-day after day, week after week, year after year.

Your journey is the important thing. A score, a trophy, a ribbon is simply the inn.

Thus, there were many, many games that gave me as much pleasure as any of the ten championship games we won, simply because we prepared fully and played near our highest level of ability.

The so-called importance of a particular game didn’t necessarily add to the satisfaction I felt in preparing for the contest. It was the journey I prized above all else.

Thanks to the great Fred Klatsky for sharing this with me.


“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”

As coaches, athletes, parents and people, we often look at things through our narrow perspectives. When we keep an open mind with new ideas and ways to do things, we frequently find better ways to do them, and continuously grow in the process, oftentimes improving our results.

Mental Toughness Homework: Just for today, have an open mind and listen to what others have to say. Look at the world through new eyes and your world just might change.