

I once worked at a sports center and on one occasion, there was a tournament which took up many courts, so a small number of clinics were rescheduled. Well, the front desk manager neglected to tell me that one of my classes was not going to run that day, obviously an oversight. But when I mentioned it to him, his response was, “Hmm, maybe you need to spend more time here.”

More time there? I was there six days a week!

I didn’t mind the oversight, but I was shocked that he would blame me for not “spending more time” there. A simple admission and apology would have sufficed.

But some people don’t like to be wrong.

Some people don’t like to admit they made a mistake.

I will tell you this, I lost a lot of respect for that manager.

Am I perfect?

Not even close, but I admit when I’m wrong. I learn from my mistakes.

I have people complain about things that I do.

Do I feel bad?

Of course, but they I make a note of it and improve upon it.

Mistakes are acceptable.

Excuses are not.