

We all want positive outcomes in life, from sports to sales to school. And most of us strongly dislike negative outcomes, but the truth is, there are no negative outcomes. We choose whether we win or we lose. It’s our reactions, and our responses that create our results. Let me put it another way…

E + R = O

Event plus Response equals Outcome.


The key to mental toughness is staying in the present moment. Whenever we are not performing well, we are usually focused on either the past or the future, but the power is in the present. Below is a great excerpt from a great book…

The people who bother us most often reflect aspects of ourselves that we haven’t yet allowed into our present-moment awareness. These aspects reside in what psychologists refer to as the “shadow.” Pretending to be the people who bother us, and acting out those people’s worst qualities, is a powerful way to bring what’s in shadow to light.

The Practice:

Pick someone who really bugs you, who has a behavior so annoying that it makes you cringe. Now act out this person’s behavior. Don’t just make a timid attempt–exaggerate the quality until you can really feel it. Continue acting this way for at least a few minutes. When you’re done, investigate whether even a trace of this annoying quality exists in yourself. If so, are you willing to accept it? Keep in mind that complete acceptance is always the first step toward positive change.

(From “How Now” by Raphael Cushnir)


Photos from Tocoloshi Zim’s recent trip to Zimbabwe and South Africa.
Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Gia Bocra Liwski.

Anyone can perform at a high level if they are “in the zone,” but it’s the great ones that can put themselves in the zone more often. And although they can not avoid slumps, they can certainly shorten their duration.

Most slumps occur because the performer (athlete, musician, actor/actress, student, employee, etc) focuses on the wrong thing at the wrong time. In most peak performances, there is very little self-talk. During a slump, on the other hand, there is much internal dialog occurring.

“I can’t believe I lost the first set!”

“What if I lose this match?!”

The problem is that during a slump, the performer is focusing on either the past or the future.

Staying in the present is one of the keys to peak performance. Concentrate on how you can do something instead of if you can.

“Guilt is in the past. Anxiety is in the future. The power is in the present.”-author unknown

Thanks for reading.