

I have recently worked with an elite athlete who was in a slump. They were not performing at their peak.

Most slumps are in athletes’ heads. They try to change their technique, but that doesn’t help.

They need to change their minds.

When you are in a slump, you go into the competition expecting to fail.

When you are on a streak, you go into the competition expecting to succeed.

So how do you get out of a slump?


Act As If It Were Impossible To Fail

Go into the competition (or school, or work, etc) and act like the person you want to be.

Then tell me what happens.


Today’s message is especially dedicated to the great Shari Koretsky.

Tennis players need to expand on their positive thoughts and cut down on their negative thoughts.

I have worked with some of the top juniors in the country and one thing I have noticed is that they all have good strokes. When they are playing well, they look like future champions. But when things start going wrong, most of these elite athletes get negative, VERY negative. They yell at themselves, smash their racquets against the ground and have terrible body language.

They have this voice inside their head. We all do. And if you’re asking yourself, “Do I have a voice inside my head?”…that’s the voice I’m talking about.

The key is to make that voice positive. Pump yourself up or make adjustments if you’re not getting the results you want.

Focus on what you want to happen. Focus on being your own coach. And focus on attitude and effort.

I am currently working with several high-level athletes on their mental toughness and they are all improving. A few of them have even gotten compliments from other parents, coaches and umpires on their improved attitudes.

For the most part, we create our lives. We choose how we react to certain situations.

But the question is, will we choose to be positive or negative?

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