

“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

Someone once said that the purpose of life is to discover your gifts and the meaning of life is to give those gifts away.

What are your gifts? What do you love to do most? What are you good at?

Are you keeping those gifts to yourself, or are you sharing it with others? Can you teach it?

Every morning I am excited to start my day because I am doing what I love. One of my gifts is teaching tennis and I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to share it with others on a daily basis. I feel that my message is too important to keep in Princeton, NJ and tennis. That is why I wrote my book and now work with not only athletes in all sports, but people from all walks of life. My book, “Game. Set. Life.” is not about tennis – it’s about life. And beginning this Fall, the Tseng Performance Academy will be at the brand new Monroe Sports Center with tennis, fitness/nutrition and mental training programs. It will also feature workshops for coaches and athletes from all over the world on how to achieve peak performance.

We all have gifts. Many gifts. In fact, everything we do is a potential gift. Whatever we do, we should do it well. Whomever we come in contact with, we should put a smile on their face.

If you’re an athlete, leave it all on the field. Do a little bit extra. Compliment your teammates. Teach others. Thank your instructors and coaches. Thank your parents for their support, even if it seems like they are pushing you too much.

It’s because they care.

And you should care.

I know what you’re thinking, “It’s not cool to try.”

But do you want to be cool, or do you want to be great?

I challenge you to light as many candles as you can today. Make it your best day yet. Do something…and make it amazing.

I think you will like the results.

With much gratitude,