

“You don’t know what you don’t know.”
-author unknown

Sometimes things happen in your life and it’s as if a light bulb suddenly went on in your head. An “Aha” moment. An enlightenment, if you will.

Well, I had one of these recently in yoga.

The first class that I took was difficult. I had to stop during some of the poses because I couldn’t hold them any longer.

But there were two factors involved. The first one was that I was using different muscles and wasn’t conditioned to do some of the moves.

It’s not that I couldn’t do them, but that I couldn’t do them…yet.

But the biggest lesson I learned was that I didn’t have the right strategy. When the poses started to get tough, my focus was on the fact that I couldn’t hold it any longer. That is the wrong mindset.

My yoga practice and life changed when my instructor, the great Vanessa Kudrat said, “When it gets tough, breathe deeper. Focus on another body part – anything except the fact that it is difficult.”

It works!!!

I was doing an inversion (shoulder stand) the other night and it started getting difficult, but I took deeper breaths. I focused on my feet. I held it for over a minute longer when I thought I couldn’t go a second longer.

Most people get tighter or more intense when things get difficult.

The key is getting more relaxed. Breathing deeper. Focusing on something else.

I have already used this strategy in other areas of life. In fact, with this new technique, I don’t think there’s anything I can’t do.
When you push yourself through difficulty, you enter a whole new world and you accomplish things you never thought you could.

Isn’t it funny that the fitness club that I take yoga at is called, CanDo?

There’s a reason.

Thanks for reading.


Yes, I took three different yoga classes with three different instructors within 24 hours. I already feel that I am reaping the benefits.

My posture is better. My mental clarity is better. My breathing is better. My nutrition is better. And my focus/mental toughness is better.

I can even see some subtle changes in my body. This stuff is life changing.

I spoke with Vanessa Kudrat after my class last night and she shared some of her best tips for peak performance in sports and life. As promised, here they are…

1. Make sure you drink enough water. Approximately 70% of your body is made of water and the slightest bit of dehydration will decrease your energy level.

2. If you use salt, use “good salt” like Himalayan Pink Salt.

3. Try a drop of peppermint oil on your tongue if you are stressed; smell some grapefruit oil if you are low energy.

4. Cross-train; it will help you use different muscles and think differently.

5. Try this healthy beverage: 1/3 to 1/2 fresh citrus juice and the rest water. Add a pinch of “good salt” and agave or honey. In the winter you can throw in some cayenne.

I just made a bottle of this Kudrat concoction to bring to the courts…I’ll let you know what I think.

Thank you to Vanessa and thanks for reading.

For more information:


“Focus on your breath or other body parts…anything but the fact that you can’t do it any longer.”

So I took my first yoga class last night with the great Vanessa Kudrat. It was hard, but it was great.

It was difficult for me to hold some of the poses, but I stuck with the class and am proud of myself.

One of the poses had us holding our arms out for what it seemed like an hour. I had to stop a couple times. I was focused, but I was focusing on the wrong things. Instead of focusing on the fact that you cannot hold your arms up any longer, you should focus instead on your breath or other body parts. I already knew that your mind gets tired before your body, but I didn’t execute.

I had so many thoughts going on in my head like…

“Why can’t I do this?”

“Why is that 60 year old lady holding it longer than me?!”


“Why am I thinking so much?”

I wanted to quit.

So you know what I’m going to do?

I’m going to take a hatha yoga class this morning at 7am to practice my mental toughness.

I don’t believe in trying your best.

I believe in doing whatever it takes.

Here I go…

Stay tuned for Vanessa Kudrat’s amazing peak performance tips…

Thanks for reading.